Tuesday, February 14, 2006

It has been high time now since I have written anything to any blog, so here comes….

Well not really …

I would have liked to write in detail about my experiences in Chicago and living with friends. (A few tips included) and maybe a few pointers to tips on cooking (A new-found hobby). But I guess I will have to leave it for a later time... Well I really don’t like procrastination and I am trying real hard to get rid of it... but again I guess I will have to leave that too for a later timeJ. The reason I have started to write again is because I have found myself with abundant amounts of precious time that I would like to put to good use. And the reason that I have so much of what everyone has so little is because I am on VACATION, back in INDIA!!! YaAaAaY!!!(Jump in the air, a double summer sault , land on the feet). So while I am at it I guess I will write more about it... so the next few blogs will be mostly be about my experiences in India. Not that I did not have experiences before but now I am able to compare it... and not that comparison will do anyone any good, but it lets me identify the experiences that define India.

The EXPERIENCE begins with an 8300 Mile (Oops 13,300 Km) journey back home. Rule no one: dare not mix up your units… it is actually quite easy... NASA does it too and the poor chaps end up with blown up rockets that dangerously veer off-course. Well you may not end up being blow to bits but it is a sure sign to your folks that something is off-course!

Well I must say, the trip back home is undoubtly the most rewarding trip that you will make… it is the sheer anticipation of getting back to where you belong that makes the whole trip more that your moneys worth. I would say that the least you could do is sit back and enjoy your flight … the cloudless dark blue skies, brilliant sunsets, sun bathed earth in golden light, swooping in and out of the clouds are unearthly experience that are added bonuses of any air plane flight.